@runb@laj!s blog

@|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! _ @runb@laj! @|?|_|\|=/-\|_@_|!. @runb@laj! alias @|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! where there is something new every day =new now here and any subject any doubt any clarifcation any help avaiable right away (oh no, that's not a swear word,it's just my ID or the way i want to be called on the net) welcome to the w*b home of arun balaji- me a 23 year old college student currently working and former college dropout

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the world wont end in 2012 and no it wasnt meant to end like that

અરીઠું કદાવુંલ અરીઠું 

good news 

the world wont end in 2012 

bad news i said so

steve jobs i copy u daily yet own none of ur प्रोदुच्ट्स. यौ कापी एड बिल गतेस हे कपइएस उ अ देचदे  बैक  what a strange irony

bill gates - महावीएर  of all - yo had the foresight to make ur last move with facebook and yet now ur ceo wants to run away from it all . u are master statesman and i say hi to everyone as a friend and not as a foe

larry page - owner of my blog because u are hosted here

from what i see many of the old timers who ran away from their destiny are being pulled back to it to save it from a web kind of assault

so is woe woe is me

my go\/t friends dont know that this is my bog because they dont know that this was 1 email i used with this blog and still think of me and most of u think of as resonet that may b  whats on tweet id but thats not what i stand for 

becyauyse my idea of social networking was dropped a decade ago

let me explain why

the idea iof resonet has lived itself

bill gates i am sorru but thus is ths tryth

the truth is zuke u know dont u facebook mafia wala

zikes the rest of this blog post will appear in the id esosteer@gmail.com in facebook