@runb@laj!s blog

@|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! _ @runb@laj! @|?|_|\|=/-\|_@_|!. @runb@laj! alias @|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! where there is something new every day =new now here and any subject any doubt any clarifcation any help avaiable right away (oh no, that's not a swear word,it's just my ID or the way i want to be called on the net) welcome to the w*b home of arun balaji- me a 23 year old college student currently working and former college dropout

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

what if you could list your resources and make it searchable online?--the zillion $ idea=myspace-login-profile-videos-all the other fancy ads

what if you could just list what you want and what you have without logging or registering and be anonymous and network with others by creating a simple page without ads. that's resonet.in -it lets people list their haves and wants without any logins and its a community site -the wikipedia of resources.its a dream without limits.its resonating resources. i have second thoughts on whether i should have used php mysql but the website is good for now- so i think i am on safe ground.don't be fooled by the pages inconsistency -its a work in progress and like richard stallman -i believe in open source so 75% of the website will be owned by you the end useronly 5% is owned by meyou are free to copy it - but whats there to copy -i have made social networking the barest minimumand its resource networking not dating not social not carrerresource could be anything - anything from a pen to a big house or talent - anything can be resource and everything is a resourceanother term for this is dynamic networkingx^y networking

read more | digg story

the zillion $ idea=myspace-profiles

what if you could
list your resources
and make it searchable online?
-the zillion $ idea=

what if you could
just list
  • what you want and
  • what you have
    • without logging or registering
  • and be anonymous
  • and network with others
    • by creating a simple page .

that's resonet.in -
  • it lets people list their haves and
  • wants
    • without any logins
and its a community site -the wikipedia of resources.

its a dream without limits.its resonating resources.

don't be fooled by the pages inconsistency -its a work in progress

and like richard stallman -i believe in open source so

75% of the website will be owned by you the end user
only 5% is owned by me

  • you are free to copy it- but whats there to copy
    • -i have made social networking the barest minimum
  • and its resource networking
    • not dating
    • not social
    • not carrer
  • resource could be anything
    • anything from a pen
    • to a big house
    • or talent
  • anything can be resource
  • and everything is a resource
  • another term for this is
    • dynamic networking-
      • x^y networking
digg this story-
m arun balaji v

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