@runb@laj!s blog

@|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! _ @runb@laj! @|?|_|\|=/-\|_@_|!. @runb@laj! alias @|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! where there is something new every day =new now here and any subject any doubt any clarifcation any help avaiable right away (oh no, that's not a swear word,it's just my ID or the way i want to be called on the net) welcome to the w*b home of arun balaji- me a 23 year old college student currently working and former college dropout

Monday, April 30, 2007

how kings fall in displesure

domain "kiting" -- the rapid registering and dropping of similar- sounding Web site names -- are on the rise.


PC World - 'Brandjacking' Common Threat

MarkMonitor found major brands suffered, on average, 286,000 examples of cybersquatting during over the four-week long survey, far and away the most common abuse detected. Clickfraud -- or siphoning off consumers via fake pay-per-click ads -- was identified 50,743 times, while e-commerce fraud occurred 21,093 times and kiting 11,015. These figures represent the four-week average for each brand.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

reply to it blues the anonymous blog

i am the one created -born to do many things yet i am not cho -the killer but u me and everyone in this industry could become like him

people think i am mad - i am known all around the world.

my advice - i read fiction and read a lot and i fit ur profile and i am like u.

people ask me where my energy comes from - that i cant say

By reading Motivational Messages you can learn in a few weeks the knowledge that has taken me years to acquire -by meganath

my dad was once my inspiration -i wanted to be him.

he is in real a strange character - looking like a person from under the worlsd yet ytalking like a schioalar

i likle him habe read ,many books and best is chinese and japanese- James Clavell-taipan shogun and the best master piece on leadership-king rat and Mario puzo -god bless thier souls

one of the books has a narration that goes like this - a underworld dons (mario puzo -the last don) person whos yop to do many a jonb -his son will meet a actress who hasd a daugher -athena cruzo and bethany- she is autistic

she lives in a world of her own

she will say in 1 sentence -"i need my hugging machine back"

and thats exactly what u i and everyone we live in online should do now

buy a big life size teddy bear and whrenevr u feel like it just hug it-mas6tirbae do wgarver u wat dont wotrtu aboyrt others

we all need hugging machines or hugs and ttas exaxctly what every iy person suffers from

a friend once told me 10 years back to this question - what do i need now to start a company? people money and time - i added 1 worfd that summmed it all and wrote resources breenatyh it - we all need rexouires -it be spotrual mental physical and emotiional -thts stephen covey

i didnt have the people i didnt have the money i had the time and i made mant a work

to end a quoyte from the bible - the besy quote i will ive on liove ever

1 Corinthians 13 (New King James Version)
New King James Version (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 13
The Greatest Gift

1 Corinthians

though love speaks of men and of angels but doesnt have charity its just a sounding brass and a big bore to listen to

my relation -though i say rasi is the one i love to everyone

2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, but have not charity, I am nothing.

and though i god may have the gift of predicting the future and can yndersand all myseries and have more knowledge than aothetrs and faith to remove mountains but i dont have charity i am notrhing - reserve the later

3And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up;

5doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8Charity never faileth. But whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

11When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known.

-explained here- for when we meet a person new wee see through a dark glass called unknown but when see him face to face we know him in part and then when we see him as a lover then we know him as if he has known himself -this is what true love does

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

read this

also have a look at what this same passage is looked at in other versions as u will see the overall picture and u will understand its meaning

to end this comment and start our relationship - i end with a quote taken from a book

only one life that soon is past
only whats done with love will last

do the next 19 things u do with love not work or money do it out of love and u shall succeed and live happily and not become autistic

god bless u
i dont hate love
i love everyone as a friend
god bless your family and friends
i love u rasi -she knows who she is
she is my luck
i miss u rasi -god bless u


depression lobe war inyternet and sipetestar and politician and all

i dont know if i should say this but i do get depressed while i work

a friend of my sister told her that shes seen me doing the same thing for the past 10 years

sitting in front of the pc and typing and wasting time.thats the same puzzle that everyone has

i do see a doc who does treat me although he did blurt out that he is past the treatment stage to just counselling.

sometimes it does good if u do just have a friend u can call and discuss ur worries- no wonder women are intuitive

women are also intutive becos they listen to thier hearts and not with thier minds.

i did make 1 fatal mistake when i listened to my mind when i was in love and that mistake cost me a lot

and by the way

resonet is beta testing some day soon.it could be today or any day

also there is a new sms service in india

its mega @ 6677 - created by me and my dad

send a sms-"mega" everyday to 6677 to recieve motivational quotes and inspirational tips

there is also another app thats users will love to dig and bury- cant commit on whether this will be a vaporware or other

the latest game in town is also here

changing a persons domain name and domainstalking it

Temporarily assigned to Eurobox Ltd.
p.o. box 108
St. Petersburg 197022

Domain Name: Arunbalaji.COM

last but not the least

i dont want to beat bill gates -hes retired

my enemy is not man its computers and computer created robots in any form

thats what 1 arun balaji (not me someone else)
will do

and thats whom i will have to beat

if u feel i have not delivered u are right
thats becos i am expecting something to happen and yes its happening the fight tat u fought for fopr tge past 7 ytears is coming tio the enbfd game and either me or someone one else has to say i quitr. what began as a casula chat which then went to i qwill hack u to death and the reply i will chat u top deatrn and cia and fbi and all is dolming tio a end with my fame and anothers i dont know what x and i wosdt ay whats on my mind

my life has been threatened for the past 5 years by people who are invisible and online was infact a mail i had tried to draft to send to u
and this is just in ytime becos a super star is to meeyt his match with subaji and one of them might iotr could dkjie becos of the fwar i fihgt .

is it the suoersatr or is iytn tne polilitician who will win and who will lose i secretky suooport the suopersrae becos he is me and i am him and we are bogh in eachg pther and ui amn kije hgus bew avatra anniyan -stranger man if many faces

thank god its finbally haoppneing and thank hgod the war could end god bless u

i know either a suoper star or suoer oikiclitran will win i hiope somneone dies becos then i coukd end the war ior else trhe ware shall ciontine tro furher datre

i didntr ytoe dies it cane out in its own

arun balaji

i am watching dhool - i am being ohilosphical yet i know the end game has come becios iof 2 reasons 1 - rajini and vikram and there fd9ms beena and svuiahi and tjhire fims anbd kufe -actors i know as actors and thier cinnnection with klyfe abd ne connectiion with my life
2=my lovely sisters sion mukund anbd skykinks pawans second chiold a son biren 3 dayas back these 2 cantg ay smorw

note - i am not the owner of arunbalaji.com anymore its a game of its own

i am back
so lets all sing backstreetrs back by backstreet boys
let me alone sing it
i like being alone
although i am to lead people
i like it alone0 becis iam a captricorn

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

service to be launched as soon as the formalities are through

a venture is going to be launchefd soon whuhc i cant say

its under non-confidewntialty

update-its live in a few hours by

sms "mega" to 6677 and you shall recive a sms from me

only in india

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Virginia tech and me

when u see yourself on tv then theres evil surrounding u.

for thats what happened to a owner of a horse shelter in the late 1800s when he appeared on the front page of a magazineo

when you are chinese dont think like japanese

when u are japanese dont think like chinse

for when these 2 mix then u get a deadly cocktail of suicide and cold blodness which is what cho did.

i dont pity him-i sympathize with him - why else will he be bullied around.

if theres one thing i have learnt it is that a lover0-one i lobed once vcalled minnale who i loved once might have died in the massacre-did she die so that the ome i lobe now does niotr due
and that mt oalyact over mn iwn death doesnt hapopen in reakl klife.

did cho die yo sabve me

gpd what a puzzle u are -guidiong me in the right opance at the right time and meeting me with the right eople

if someone told me i was born to die i would have believe him

if someone told me i am a fool i would have believed him

if sdomepke yple ,me that there are people lioke mne yet i shall not know them until the right time trhen u shakll know them
omly when u say so

yet i knoew that u hgave given me special powers and opwers which not the cia not the person who reads this as i tupe and reads akk tre letters i tye inb rge sceen thenn i kjnpw i would have been a loser and lost long akol yet its yu god who has givenb then to mne
missed me right
so give ur all u git o my enemies

i am not dead not will i doe so easily i shakll live longer than mant a manling.

i know this mail means the fb8i will nbe at my dooesrep in a matter of hours or seconds.

this post is fiction =-any or all the characters meantionefd exist or dont exist abd its not intened yop hiort familes of any incident -as u can see i amn a bad typer so forgive the grammatuical errirs

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