@runb@laj!s blog

@|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! _ @runb@laj! @|?|_|\|=/-\|_@_|!. @runb@laj! alias @|?\_/|\|=|/-\|_@_! where there is something new every day =new now here and any subject any doubt any clarifcation any help avaiable right away (oh no, that's not a swear word,it's just my ID or the way i want to be called on the net) welcome to the w*b home of arun balaji- me a 23 year old college student currently working and former college dropout

Thursday, January 3, 2008

go to hell fate

source one

text converted to speech by http://vozme.com/

life revisted

go to hell fate for i can succeed alone

thats my fate

i know what i want and i have strong will power yet i feel your hand behind every move i make

i am my own boss and no one rules me

so go to hell

arun balaji
previously known as @runb@laj!


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